Froggy Rides a Bike

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* am 19. März 2020 um 2:45 Uhr aktualisiert

Typ Froggy
Marke Penguin US


Broschiertes BuchFroggy just got his very first bike, and it?s exactly what he wanted. Almost. Finishing touches like a bell and a horn have to be added before Froggy is ready to ride. Then, surrounded by cheering friends, Froggy starts to pedal. Oops! He falls off. He tries again. Oops! Riding a bike is hard! After a long day, and a few bumps and bruises, Froggy finally learns to ride?and once he does, he can?t wait to go again. Froggy Rides a Bike is a reassuring reminder that practice makes perfect?and it?s sure to make kids eager to learn to ride on their own.

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* am 19. März 2020 um 2:45 Uhr aktualisiert